Finishing touches being put on Sidner Ice Arena as fundraising continues

Mandy Evert knew her son was going to be a hockey player from a young age.

But, not being a hockey fan herself, she wasn’t sure what he was getting into.

Most of the hockey programs she looked at in Omaha required a big commitment and came with a high price, but then she found the Sidner Ice Arena and Fremont Hockey.

“Fremont’s program is super unique. You can get in, get on the ice and let your kids figure out if it’s something they are interested in and you can do that with minimal investment,” said Evert.

It took no time for the Flyers to take Mandy and her family under their wing and, like the other hockey families, soon Sidner became second home for the Everts.

Last year though, it became clear Sidner could use some T-L-C.

The floor surface had corroded and their compressor and other equipment needed replaced.

“We didn’t know what to expect going into it. We knew there would be a lot of support but it was a big number we were going after,” said Kent Johnson,

The arena needed to raise $2 million to complete the renovations.

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