1:30pm Wednesday Blizzard Update

Latest Update on the Blizzard

  • I-29 closed from just north of Omaha to Sioux City
  • I-70 closed from Salina, KC to Limon, CO
  • I80 closed from Lincoln to Lexington, NE

A number of counties in Colorado and Kansas have been removed from the blizzard warning as the storm is moving northeast.

The color code:

  • Orange = blizzard warning
  • Gold = high wind warning
  • Maroon = red flag warning (wildfire conditions)
  • Pink = winter storm warning
  • Dark blue = winter storm watch
  • Purple = winter weather advisory
  • Brown = high wind watch

About a half million people are without power.

Below is the radar forecast for 8pm CDT.

The heaviest snow will have moved into Wisconsin, Upper Michigan and southwest Ontario…

Story continues