Women’s History Month: Pastor at local church breaks down barriers, voices challenges

This Women’s History Month, Channel 9 highlights stories of women in Central Florida who are making their voices heard.


A pastor at a local church spoke about the challenges of holding a position traditionally held by men.

Pastor Ti’eshia Moore welcomes visitors to hear the word of God.

Ti’eshia Moore and her husband, Damon Moore, share the role of lead pastors at City Place Church.

Read: Original, female-centered Italian play will debut on Orlando stage

“It’s very important to him and to me that we didn’t just have Damon just as the pastor of the church,” she said.

But that decision didn’t come without criticism.

“If you look on social media, you’ll see the role of people being like, ‘great message, wrong person delivering it,’” Ti’eshia Moore.

For many, the idea of a female pastor is still taboo.

Read: Women’s History Month: Local female leader keeps Central Florida economy running

“Sometimes, people ask me, ‘What do you think people would say that is taboo or wrong’ and the truth of the matter is that I don’t. I don’t make it my practice to concern myself with what some people are thinking.”

Story continues