Orlando LGBTQ+ creatives get the spotlight at Orlando Out Fest this weekend

Orlando’s first-ever Out Fest takes over Fringe ArtSpace downtown this week. Grab up tickets for any or all of the three days of this eclectic LGBTQ+ creatives’ showcase.

The festival, curated by playwright and Fringe co-director Ciara Hannon, begins with a freewheeling game of Truth-or-Dare hosted by P. Sparkle, where the hapless contestants are the performers from OOF productions. Singer Billy Mick’s one-man show

Just B

is sure to entertain, while


poses tough religious questions.

A Big Gay Variety Show

is just as fun as it sounds, featuring some of the area’s top queer entertainers.

Alphabet Soup! An A-Z Guide to the LGBTQIA+

takes audiences through the unique identities of each member of the LGBTQ+ community and how they express themselves with puppets, while

Bi Bi Bi

tells us a little more about the “B.”

For a haunting combination of drag, cabaret and camp with a touch of that Elvira magic, don’t miss out on

The Odd Ball!

, and for a joyful and naughty drag experience, enjoy

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