Orange schools look to expel, send to alternative programs students who threaten campuses

The Orange County school district plans to impose stricter punishments on students who threaten schools and will again discuss whether putting a walk-through weapons detection system at its high schools makes sense as it deals with a wave of threats and gun arrests.

Board member Alicia Farrant, whose district includes Boone High School, where two students were arrested on Sept. 13 for bringing a loaded gun onto campus, on Tuesday asked the board to reconsider a walk-through weapons detection system. Orange County Public Schools tested such a system in several schools earlier this year but decided not to install at its 23 traditional high schools. Some parents now think such a system is needed.

“I’ve had tons of parents who have reached out, and not even just in district three, but all over,” she said. “It seems parents really are trying to understand why do we not have the weapons detection system. And if we don’t, what are we doing moving forward, and if we do, what does that look like like?”

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