In terms of events and local creativity, this was a very good year for music and nightlife in Orlando. Big names came to town, the local scene is in fine form across genre, EDC was bigger than ever and some cool new spots opened up. But there are some serious clouds on the horizon beyond Jan. 20. A number of beloved local spots shuttered, and the continuing clampdown on downtown nightlife will have ripple effects impacting the city at large. (And that’s setting aside larger discussions of living wages for musicians and entertainment workers.) Here are a few notable developments, bad and good this year.
W: The S.P.O.T. ascendant
This newish venue on Colonial is DIY in all the best ways; the folks who run it weren’t seeing enough of what they loved on Orlando stages, so they made their own stage. It’s become a haven for young and feral metal, hardcore, punk and noise. Frills are few, but those would just be distractions from the young, next-wave energy being screamed into your ear from every direction.