A homeless man in Leesburg was arrested after he has found asleep next to a campfire.
A deputy was on foot patrol in the wooded area behind the Bassville Mart, located at 11240 Northern Ave., Leesburg, when he spotted 21-year-old Jason Liam Schmult sleeping in a chair next to a campfire around 6:54 a.m. Tuesday, according to an arrest report from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
Before waking up Schmult, the deputy noticed burnt foil and a plastic straw in his lap. The deputy told him to stand up and placed him in hand restraints. As the deputy grabbed his left hand, he saw it was clenched and observed a clear baggie with white powder in his grasp, the report said.
At that point, the deputy had Schmult sit back down in his chair while he had another deputy standby. He tested the narcotic, which the report noted was a white powdery substance with a hint of purple. It yielded a positive result for cocaine…