KCK nonprofit finds temporary location after storm damage

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Storms on May 19 caused severe damage to the building where the non-profit Stitching Change operated in Kansas City, Kansas.

It’s been nearly a month since the storm, and now the non-profit has moved into a temporary space on 6th Street in KCK, where it will continue its mission of educating and inspiring refugee women.

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“So for people like our students who don’t speak a lot of English, this is a very important place for them; they learn skills, they learn the language,” Stitching Change founder Rakmi Shaiza said.

Shaiza said the severe storm damage to their original space near 13th and Central was devastating.

The non-profit also lost equipment and supplies like sewing machines due to the storm.

“A lot of the students need this kind of outlet because some of them are new here in this country, and they need to have a social place where they can come together,” Shaiza explained.  “We not only provide this space, but we also teach them sewing skills, and we have a class on how to set up small businesses from home.”

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