Pet Resource Center of Kansas City helping pet owners during extreme heat

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Staffers with the Pet Resource Center of Kansas City are patrolling streets to ensure pet safety during extreme heat.

If you can keep dogs inside the house when temperatures are this high, you should. Ensure your pets stay hydrated and have access to fresh water and shade.

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The Pet Resource Center of Kansas City can provide cooling items for pet owners who need them.

“We’re out patrolling the community, helping clients that we know have outdoor dogs, talking to them about what a heat stroke looks like, what heat exhaustion looks like, what they must have if they’re going to have their dogs outside,” said Rae Lindsey, outreach and mobile manager for the Pet Resource Center. “So a little bit of patrolling and helping people out in the community, but also checking on folks that we know have pets outside.”

Lindsey said if your pet’s heart rate is high, then they could be experiencing a heat-related illness.

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