Plaza District Council: Dallas-based firm to finalize Plaza purchase Friday

The Kansas City Country Club Plaza District Council confirmed Tuesday that Dallas-based firm Highland Park Village Partners plans to finalize its purchase of the Plaza by Friday, June 28.

Plaza District Council President Kate Marshall confirmed the news in a phone call with KSHB 41’s Megan Abundis.

“We were really pleased to have good news to share with our community that the HP Village Partners are definitely going to close on the Country Club Plaza on Friday,” Marshall said. “We had a good meeting with them yesterday and understand they are going to be tremendous partners with only the best intentions at heart for the Plaza.”

The announcement was also made in a newsletter on Tuesday afternoon.

“More than 65 Plaza District residents came [together at] Made in KC Marketplace for a cup of coffee and great news,” the council said in the newsletter. “HP Village Partners will close on their purchase of the Country Club Plaza on Friday June 28. They come with welcome intentions to preserve, protect and enhance the much loved Country Club Plaza. They will not deviate from the architectural charm of the existing area as we know it and in fact their intention is to look for ways to make additions that are completely in keeping with the look and feel of some of the earliest buildings and towers on the Plaza.”

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