Mystery riverfront goats rounded up by KC Pet Project, still no owner

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — KC Pet Project announced Friday, that the mystery goats roaming Kansas City’s riverfront have been rounded up in a social media post .

KC Pet Project says that early Wednesday morning, a team worked along the Riverfront Heritage Trail where the goats had made their new home . The team was joined by goat expert Margaret Chamas.

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The team used portable fences, vehicles, and wooden pallets to create a barrier and herd the animals to safety. KC Pet Project claims that officers pushed through thick vegetation on the steep river bank and after several hours, all seven of the remaining loose goats had been loaded onto a trailer at around 10 a.m.

The goats were then transported to the KC Pet Project campus, where they’re now in an outdoor livestock barn.

The mysterious herd first made an appearance on the KC riverfront in early August after a program to contain vegetation had come to an end. However, while all the goats hired for the grazing were located and accounted for, 10 additional goats were still running wild.

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