Women candidates champion authenticity at Greater Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus event

Gov. Laura Kelly speaks Sept. 19, 2024, at the at a Greater Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus event. (Grace Hills/Kansas Reflector)

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Women candidates from Kansas and Missouri gathered Thursday at a Greater Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus event in support of female power and personality in politics.

Gov. Laura Kelly, the keynote speaker, highlighted how she kept her femininity while running for office. She spoke of the advice she got on her campaign — how men told her that women should appear tough and strong while running for office.

“I’m sure of this one piece of advice: Don’t try to be something you’re not,” Kelly said. “In order to convince others you can do a certain job, you’ve got to show them that who you really are is exactly how you will do the job.”

Kelly said women possess traits that make them valuable in office — traits like being good listeners, collaborative, creative problem solvers and able to juggle multiple tasks all at once.

“You see, I believe the traits we as women come by naturally are exactly the traits that make for effective executive leaders,” Kelly said.

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