Pensacola has a deferred maintenance problem. This new department may be the solution

Pensacola is standing up a new city department focused on maintenance issues.

One of the things that has become clear since Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves took office is the city has a major deferred maintenance problem.

The situations at Bay Bluffs Park, Wayside Park, City Hall, and the Malcolm Yonge Gym are the most visible signs of this problem. Each is estimated to need more than $1 million in repairs, and both the Bay Bluffs boardwalk and the Yonge Gym have been shut down due to safety concerns.

Now, the city is taking a closer look at the Cobb Resource Center as it starts to show similar structural issues Malcolm Yonge Gym faced.

“I’m honestly exhausted and tired of having conversations about things that continue to break,” Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves said to the City Council on Tuesday. “And those were not decisions that were made by this board, by this administration, by this Parks and Rec staff. But the reality is, when I was these kids’ age out here, no one was taking care of Malcolm Yonge. And no one was taking care of Cobb (Center).”

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