Orange Beach woman accused of $135,000 in credit fraud: Police

ORANGE BEACH, Ala. (WKRG) (UPDATED 3:45 pm ) An Orange Beach businesswoman has been arrested after allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from customers through their credit cards and police say this isn’t the first time she has faced these types of charges.

Calls started to come into the Orange Beach Police Department last November about questionable charges on credit cards. That sparked an investigation that led to the arrest Wednesday night of Judith “Tillie” Roberts Pan.

She is charged with fraudulent use of credit cards and theft of property after investigators say she stole at least 135 thousand dollars from unsuspecting customers of a custom catering business she co-owns in Orange Beach.

“We started to receive calls about a local business where people’s credit cards were being charged exorbitant amounts of money for what was seemingly a small purchase,” says Orange Beach Police Lt. Trent Johnson. “Come to find out one of the victims ended up being charged 60 thousand dollars for what was a 250 dollar purchase.”

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