Upper Darby woman arrested for allegedly torturing animals, posting videos on YouTube

So far, investigators have recovered four such videos, according to Upper Darby Police Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt.

Police say Anigar Monsee, 28, of Upper Darby, admitted to torturing and mutilating living animals.

Bernhardt says the first video shows Monsee with a chicken.


“During the video,” he says, “she is soliciting more likes and more viewers. And once she gets to the point where she is satisfied with the number of viewers, she then proceeds — over the course of 10 minutes — to harm and ultimately kill that chicken.”

In the other videos, the suspect is seen doing the same thing to a pigeon, a rabbit, and several frogs.

Monsee has been charged with four felony counts of aggravated cruelty to animals.

Bernhardt says the investigation started with an email tip from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

“I have to tip my hat to PETA and applaud them for gathering the information and forwarding it to us,” said Bernhardt.

We spoke with Kristen Rickman who is among the PETA officials involved in shedding light on this case.

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