Police officer wounded after shot, bullet ricochets off bullet proof vest in North Philadelphia

A Philadelphia police officer was shot early Wednesday morning while serving a search warrant.

It happened just after 6 a.m. in the 1300 block of King Place in North Philadelphia.

WATCH: Police give update after officer shot in North Philadelphia

Police say the officer was serving a warrant when they were fired on, according to officials.

Police say the officer was serving a search warrant with the narcotics unit when he was fired on.

The team was serving seven warrants, according to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel.

“There’s 10 officers in the breaching team. Two marked cars out front of the property as well as a marked car in the back of the property. Two cars out front – one of them is a hospital case in the event we do have an incident,” he described.

Bethel said the officer was struck in his ballistic vest which then ricocheted, wounding his hand.


“While making that breach from the first door and moving to the second door, a shot is fired. The officer takes one shot to his ballistic vest, hitting the right side. We believe that ricocheted and struck his hand,” Bethel said.

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