Philadelphia Feb 12 Weekly Crime Report: 1605 Incidents and 92 Crime Stories

Philadelphia Feb 12 Weekly Crime Report: 1605 Incidents and 92 Crime Stories

During the last week, Philadelphia reported a total of 1605 crime cases, painting a grave picture of the place’s security situation. The highest number of cases were thefts, which stood at 759, accounting for almost half of the total crimes. Assaults were the second most common type of crime, with 370 incidents last week, followed by other types of crimes at 158. Vandalism was also a significant issue, with 127 reported cases. Arrests were made in 73 instances, while burglary, robbery, shootings, and arson were less frequent, with 55, 42, 12, and 9 cases respectively. These numbers indicate a pressing need for enhanced security measures and law enforcement efforts in Philadelphia to curb the rising crime rates.

Incidents Last Week
Theft 759
Assault 370
Other 158
Vandalism 127
Arrest 73
Burglary 55
Robbery 42
Shooting 12
Arson 9

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Apart from the reported incidents, we discovered 92 crime news stories related to Philadelphia over the week. Below are the most noteworthy ones.

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