Gunning Bedford Middle School in the Colonial School District has established the district’s first Black Student Union (BSU). The BSU, launched in September 2023, is led by 7th-grade teacher Arricka Burruss. It has about 70 students and is gaining more interest. Burruss started the BSU to give students a place to learn about their history and participate in school activities.
The BSU organizes activities such as workshops, community service, and cultural trips. The students also take part in mental health campaigns and school discussions. They meet bi-weekly after school to review music and films, hear from guest speakers, and discuss various topics.
Julian Jones, a BSU member, appreciates the union for its learning opportunities. Rihanna Adedapo, another member, also values the BSU for enhancing her school experience and helping her learn about her heritage.
The BSU aims to add college and career readiness workshops, unity and social events, and advocacy and community outreach to its activities. Burruss is optimistic about the BSU’s future and has noticed increased student pride since its inception.