Thursday will be sunny again in Philadelphia, but rain returns this weekend

Another cool and crisp morning in Philadelphia region on Thursday 03:41

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — High pressure continues to be our dominant weather feature as we head through the day Thursday in the Philadelphia region, but then things start to change a bit.

A slight uptick in humidity will be felt by the end of the work week, but temperatures will still be near or slightly cooler than normal with highs in the low 80s through Friday.

Not a drop of rain is expected for a majority of the week until late Friday when our next system moves in. An approaching low pressure from the Mid-Atlantic will meet up with a cold front from the west. Friday will feature more cloud cover but should stay mainly dry, save for maybe a stray shower or two due to some moisture moving in from a coastal low well offshore.

At this point, rain is looking more likely on Saturday mainly in the afternoon and evening as the front approaches. It’s looking like the rain from the system near the Carolinas may stay south, meaning we’d be more looking at showers along the advancing cold front.

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