Pa. environmental, education and labor advocates celebrate ‘solar for schools’ program

Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler and Leanne Krueger, joined by education, environment and labor advocates (Capital-Star photo by Ian Karbal)

Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler (D-Philadelphia) took a victory lap Monday under the Capitol rotunda following a ceremonial signing of a bill she championed that will fund solar projects in Pennsylvania schools.

“A year and a half ago, we were standing here, we had a solar panel in front of the podium,” Fiedler said. “But we did not know we would get to this point today.”

The Solar for Schools legislation provides $25 million in state funding that can cover up to half approved school solar projects. But the real hope is that that money will serve as a bridge allowing approved school districts to access even more funding provided by the federal government through the Inflation Reduction Act.

In an ideal situation, between state and federal funding, the majority of the initial costs of installing solar panels would be covered. And moreover, the installation of solar panels could greatly reduce electric costs, freeing up money for other educational programs.

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