South Philadelphia and Quaker City string bands tied in the Mummers Parade and were declared co-champions.
Quaker City was the 11th band to march among the 14 bands and had a theme of Live at the Cabana Banana .
South Philadelphia followed Quaker City with a theme of Castlevania .
South Philadelphia’s Denny Palandro was voted top captain.
Meanwhile, Bill McIntyre’s Shooting Stars won the Fancy Brigade division, with Saturnalian’s Thomas Dougherty named top captain.
Below are the results.
String Band
1. South Philadelphia
1. (tie) Quaker City
3. Fralinger
4. Uptown
5. Avalon
6. Polish American
7. Woodland
8. Aqua
9. Ferko
10. Greater Kensington
11. Hegeman
12. Jersey
DQ – Duffy
DQ – Durning
String Band Captains
1. Denny Palandro, South Philadelphia
2. Kade Radcliffe, Uptown
3. George Balzer IV, Woodland
4. Jimmy Good, Quaker City
5. Brad Bowen, Fralinger
Fancy Brigades
1. Bill McIntyre’s Shooting Stars
2. Satin Slipper