Bird Flu Arrives in Philly, First Case Reported in West Philadelphia

Philadelphia has its first case of bird flu (avian influenza A(H5)), the city’s health department just confirmed.

Bird Tests Positive for Bird Flu in Philadelphia

A sick snow goose was discovered in West Philadelphia on Saturday, January 11th. Tests conducted on the bird confirmed the bird had tested positive for the disease.

Officials say it was discovered on the 1200 block of North 59th Street in Philly.

It’s the first bird to test positive for the disease in Philly to date. The diagnosis came from preliminary testing, officials told the media.

City Officials: Call Us If You Were Exposed

This has lead to a call from the City’s Department of Health to urge anyone who was in that area to contact them if they may have had direct contact with the sick snow goose on or around January 11…

Story continues