The Best Donut Shop Open In Arizona

Donuts, beloved nationwide, are sweet, fried or baked pastries we all love to crave. They’ve evolved into a diverse range of flavors, toppings and fillings, making them a delightful treat for any occasion.

The 24/7 Tempo staff have done their research, determining which donut shop in each state serves the most appetizing of these desserts :

“Today, doughnuts have become a kind of blank canvas for creative bakers, and are likely to be topped or filled with everything from bacon to jalapeños to foie gras. They’re even sometimes repurposed to serve as burger or sandwich buns — like the Krispy Kreme sloppy joes served at the Virginia State Fair.

Even conventional doughnuts aren’t very healthy, of course. An average glazed doughnut can weigh in at as much as 250 calories, while chocolate-frosted or jelly doughnuts might hit 300. Despite their caloric load, though, they’re still not among the 50 least healthful fast food breakfast items.

There are said to be more than 13,000 doughnut shops in the U.S. currently, counting both chains and independents. According to Yelp, Boston is the per capita doughnut shop capital of America, with one such place for every 2,400 inhabitants. But every state has plenty of doughnut shops of its own, and 24/7 Tempo has compiled a list of the best example in every state, concentrating on independents and small chains.”

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