Thomas Jefferson high schoolers work at polling places in Pennsylvania primary

Pittsburgh-area high schoolers work at polling places in Pennsylvania primary 01:55

JEFFERSON HILLS, Pa. (KDKA) — Some aren’t even old enough to vote, but stationed at polling places in the South Hills and Mon Valley, a group of Thomas Jefferson High School students is helping voters fulfill their civic duty.

Instead of the school bell, the sound of birds chirping outside the Jefferson Hills District 7 polling place signaled the polls were open and class was in session.

“We have to be here at 6 a.m. and I’m working the full day so, I’ll be here until 9 p.m.,” said senior Emerson Dorfner.

A handful of Thomas Jefferson 11th and 12th graders worked the polls on Tuesday, getting to see people exercise their right to vote right in front of their eyes.

“Things that we’ve learned about in my class and sort of seeing the voter turnout and the types of the demographics that you see in different areas, and the age ranges of people — just kind of seeing how all of that correlates in real life than just studying examples,” said junior Jeremy Thompson.

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