Netflix’s ‘The Deliverance’ Filming Locations Paint Pittsburgh In A Dark, Haunting Light

Lee Daniels directed The Deliverance , a horror film recently released on Netflix. Inspired by a true story, this film is a must-watch for horror and supernatural fans. The 2024 movie draws from the experiences of Latoya Ammons and her family, who claimed to have lived in a haunted home in Indiana in 2011, where they experienced strange and terrifying occurrences.

The supernatural activity reportedly intensified after the family moved to a new home on Carolina Street in Gary, Indiana. The Deliverance reimagines the chilling tale of this unfortunate family, and the film has gained popularity since its release. However, the filming locations may surprise viewers.

Filming Locations for The Deliverance

Although the real events took place in Indiana, producers selected Pennsylvania as the primary filming location for several reasons. Pennsylvania offered financial incentives, making it a cheaper option to film. Additionally, its terrain and aesthetic closely resembled Gary, Indiana, allowing filmmakers to create a similar atmosphere for the retelling of this eerie story. By filming in Pennsylvania, producers aimed to present the story as authentically as possible. Though not where the hauntings occurred, Pennsylvania is still a great fall vacation destination . Here are the main filming locations for The Deliverance and what they offer visitors.

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