PPS Principal goes steps up to make sure students know expectations

A Pittsburgh Public School K-8 principal heard about some behavioral issues from some of her students on a Pittsburgh Regional Transit bus shortly after classes began this year and decided to do something about it.

Mrs. Ashanti Jones, principal at Sunnyside PreK-8 in Stanton Heights tells KDKA Radio she received two complaints in one day about some of her middle school students not behaving on the bus.

“It is only the second week of school and I did not want that behavior to continue, so I said I needed to nip it in the bud immediately,” said Jones.

Jones was with the students when the arrived at the bus stop and she took at few moments to talk with the kids about their day.

What they didn’t know is that Mrs. Jones was getting on the bus with them.

“They were surprised. I’m sure they thought I would walk back to the school once they got on the bus,” said Jones. “The bus ride was fine, probably quieter than normal. But all was well.”

Only a couple weeks into the school year, Jones says she has some new students to the school and wanted to make sure they knew the expectations she has for them.

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