Pittsburgh Police Chief: it’s ‘despicable’ suspect that attacked officer on South Side out on bail

Pittsburgh Police Chief Larry Scirotto is outraged that the suspect in the attack on Sergeant Andrew Robinson Friday night on the South Side was able to post bond that was set at just $1,000.

Scirotto tells KDKA Radio’s Marty Griffin, that setting bond that low sends a terrible message.

“It says that our officers are disposable and that’s despicable,” said Scirotto. It’s offense and I take great pride in the sacrifice our officers make every day and to dismiss this incident as another happenstance in the city is unforgivable.”

23-year-old Jonathan Morin of Carrick is accused of attacking Sgt. Robinson, hurting him so badly he broke bones in his leg and foot. He was released after posting 10 percent of the $10,000 bail.

Robinson tells KDKA that his surgery is set for tomorrow and he could be out for as much as year to recover.

Robinson apologized to Scirotto while both were on with Griffin that he would be out that long.

Scirotto said “it makes my heart hurt just hearing it.”

Scirotto and other leaders are also calling for the bar where the incident happened to be shut down.

Story continues