Mother holds kids hostage at knifepoint, officers use taser to end situation, Pittsburgh police say

Pittsburgh police officers are being praised for how they ended a nightmarish situation.

On Thursday, officers found themselves in a standoff with a woman holding her children at knifepoint.

Channel 11 has obtained exclusive video of the situation, that at first captured the audio of the chaos that was happening behind a home on Moore Avenue in Knoxville.

After you hear the officers shouting, you see them carrying a young girl to the front yard, as they try to make sure she’s OK after she had been hit by a taser.

It’s the aftermath of a violent scenario when police say the girl’s mother, Gwendolyn Gilmore, had her at knifepoint, while also holding on to another child.

“What an incredibly dangerous situation that those two children were in,” said Beth Pittinger with the Citizen Police Review Board.

The officer made the decision to deploy his taser to de-escalate the situation and one of the probes hit the young girl, who then had a seizure, and went in and out of consciousness.

“Compared to being stabbed or having your throat cut? I think those officers did a great job managing that situation,” Pittinger added.

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