Adult education advocates want $7M boost as wait lists grow

(The Center Square) — After dramatic increases in spending on K-12 education, some advocates hope to get a “rounding error” boost for adult education, programs which they say get overlooked.

“It’s an area of education that we don’t necessarily think enough about up here,” Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Allentown, said during a House Education Committee hearing on Monday. “This is something that falls through the cracks. We have to start elevating this conversation so we are able to find additional support.”

Adult education ranges from helping people earn their GED and prepare for college to learning English and gaining a credential.

“What I want to share today is the importance of considering education and workforce development as the same,” Rochelle Cooks, director of workforce solutions at Beyond Literacy in Philadelphia, said. “Adult education sits between K-12 and college initiatives. It’s an often-overlooked sector — and yet it’s one that trains up our job seekers to make sure they’re able to get family-sustaining wages.”

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