‘He Is a Ticking Time Bomb’: Black Man Vows to Fight Against Texas Cop Who Forced Himself Into Home and Treated Family ‘Like Dogs’ After Responding to Wrong Apartment

It’s been four weeks since a Texas cop forced his way into the home of Elvin Turner and his mother without a warrant after responding to the wrong address over a domestic violence call, threatening to taser and arrest the Black man for trying to assert his Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable search and seizures.

And not only has the Frisco Police Department insisted they broke no laws on Jan. 23, citing “exigent circumstances,” the 43-year-old information technology worker is having difficultly finding an attorney to represent him in a possible civil suit.

But that has not stopped Turner from using existing public records laws to obtain all the evidence surrounding the incident, including body camera footage, the 911 call to dispatch, and the police reports where cops tried to justify the invasion into a private home of an innocent family.

Turner’s main goal is to get the cop who entered his home, Ryan Shick, fired…

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