NFR Qualifier and Hall of Fame Cowboy Mel Potter Passes Away at Age 90

Mention the name Mel Potter and you will get a variety of memories and notable stories. Those who knew him know that he was a legend in almost every aspect of the rodeo world. At 90 years old, Mr. Potter passed away on Saturday, February 22, 2025. The world was a better place because of him and he will certainly be missed by many.

People still involved in rodeo will relate to his fatherly figure to one of the greatest barrel racers in history – Sherry Cervi. Potter certainly passed along his love of rodeo to Cervi who is a four time Women’s Professional Rodeo Association World Champion Barrel Racer.

Potter and his wife Wendy of 67 years were the parents to two girls, Cervi and Jo Lynn Alexander. Alexander has stayed active in barrel racing and raising horses just like her father loved to do…

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