‘Each hour is a potential overdose’: Recovery centers take in stranded patients

It’s been days since Retreat Behavioral Health in Palm Springs closed down, leaving some patients without care.

“Each hour is a potential overdose for these people,” said one healthcare worker, who didn’t want to reveal his place of work for job security.

He said the facility he works for has already taken in at least 10 former Retreat patients.

“How are they doing since they’ve had to leave the facility?” asked WPTV reporter Joel Lopez.

“They all seem pretty calm, pretty grateful that they had somewhere to go, because not all of them had somewhere to go,” said the healthcare worker. “There’s different variables as to how someone can get in what facility. Certain places will take insurances, certain places won’t.”

He said as of Wednesday, nearly all the beds at the center he works for were full.

“It can have an impact on a patient care, safety, stress on the staff members,” said the healthcare worker.

We’re told that as of Friday there were over 100 patients at Retreat Behavioral Health.

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