Royal Caribbean passenger arrested for a scary reason

Royal Caribbean leaves no room for error when it comes to its policy on bringing firearms on board.

  • All firearms and weapons, ammunition, explosives and incendiary devices are strictly prohibited. Firearms and weapons include, but are not limited to, the following items:
  • Rifles
  • Shotguns
  • Pistols
  • Revolvers, etc.

The cruise line does not even allow pretend guns and it’s very explicit there as well.

  • All guns, replicas and ammunition include, but are not limited to, the following items:Guns, operational or replicasAmmunition of all typesBB GunsCompressed Air Guns, including Paint Ball GunsFlare GunsGun LightersGun / Firearms PartsPellet GunsSpear GunsStarter PistolsRealistic Replicas of Firearms

If an item even looks like a gun, you can’t bring it on a Royal Caribbean ship. That’s a well-known rule, applying even to law-enforcement officers.

“We do not allow any guest (including law enforcement officers on vacation) to bring weapons onboard our vessel,” the company website makes clear.

“Law enforcement officers need to understand that they will be boarding a foreign flag vessel going to foreign countries. All weapons should be left at home, locked up in a vehicle if they are driving to the port, or turned over to a local office of Customs, police, FBI, etc. for safekeeping during the voyage.”…

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