Fort Pierce Feb 09 Weekly Crime Report: 39 Incidents and 12 Crime Stories

Fort Pierce Feb 09 Weekly Crime Report: 39 Incidents and 12 Crime Stories

During the last week, a total of 39 crime cases were reported in Fort Pierce, with the most common type being arrests, accounting for more than half of the cases at 20. Assault and vandalism followed, each with 6 cases, making up approximately 15% of the total crimes each. Theft was the next most common crime with 3 cases reported. Disturbance, suspicious situation, other, and robbery each had only 1 case, contributing to the remaining 10% of the total crimes. This data suggests a high prevalence of arrests in the place, which could be indicative of proactive law enforcement activity. However, the instances of assault and vandalism are concerning and warrant attention. The single cases of disturbance, suspicious situation, other, and robbery, while less frequent, are also significant and should not be overlooked.

Incidents Last Week
Arrest 20
Assault 6
Vandalism 6
Theft 3
Disturbance 1
Suspicious Situation 1
Other 1
Robbery 1

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