Blooming Where She’s Planted

The minute Rochelle Wolberg turns off busy U.S. Highway 1 and onto the winding road bordered by ancient oaks, banyans, and palm trees that leads to her office in McKee Botanical Garden, her face lights up with a smile. This is where all of her experience, creativity, and endless energy have brought her, and she couldn’t be happier—or more excited about what the future holds.

As the historic garden’s executive director since January, Wolberg oversees a staff of seasoned professionals, an engaged board of directors, and a strategic plan that includes anniversary celebrations, special exhibits, events, and educational programs, plus a hoped-for future international water lily symposium.
The Stone Bridge at McKee is a popular place for photographs.

For someone who grew up in New York City and had no idea what she wanted to be or do when she got older, Wolberg can look back and appreciate the opportunities, connections, and timing that forged the path that led her to McKee.

“When I was an undergrad student majoring in psychology and contemplating graduate school,” she says, “I met a friend who told me there were some private independent schools that were looking for psychologists, so I applied to Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education. I physically handed in my application at the last minute and got into the program.” Wolberg’s eyes light up as she recalls the squeaky-tight timing.

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