SPLC wants Ashley Moody to look into ‘possible instances of white race favoritism’ by FL VC firms

Attorney General Ashley Moody presents drug-related death statistics at a news conference in Tampa on July 9, 2024, joined by Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Mark Glass (left) and Longwood Deputy Mayor Matt Morgan (right). (Screenshot via Florida Attorney General YouTube channel)

Citing her office’s opposition race-based decision-making by both public and private entities, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is calling on Attorney General Ashley Moody to investigate three Florida venture capital firms that it claims support white-owned businesses over those owned by people of other races.

“Such application of the law would be the natural extension of your office’s race-neutral thinking and efforts,” writes Derwyn Bunton, chief legal officer for the SPLC, in the letter sent to Moody on Aug. 5. “Specifically, this letter suggests that your office turn its focus on financial institutions, and particularly venture capital funds, operating within Florida.”

The three venture capital firms that the group wants Moody’s office to investigate are Weatherford Partners, Krillion Ventures, and Newgate Capital Partners.

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