How condo owners are fighting back against ‘unsustainable’ costs

A condo owner from Stuart is turning to WPTV to help her efforts to bring condo associations together from the Treasure Coast to Palm Beach County.

“We need to do something, and we need to do it now,” Darlene VanRiper said. “It is time to rally together. You’d be amazed what people can do when they’re united.”

She attended WPTV’s live Coverage Collapse Town Hall last week , where she spoke with WPTV reporter Joel Lopez at our Let’s Hear It tent outside. WPTV
Darlene VanRiper speaks to WPTV reporter Joel Lopez about what she’s doing to hopefully reduce condo costs.

“Just seeing the people there that you all interviewed and the people that stood up and voiced their opinion, we know we can get something done,” VanRiper said.

She has formed what she’s calling the Treasure Coast Condo Alliance to take on the Structural Integrity Reserves Study (SIRS) that condos in the state will have to face by the end of the year.

“We’ve seen that this legislation can happen pretty much overnight. It was forced upon us. We are hiring a lobbyist so that we will have a voice at the table,” VanRiper said. “We really need to let them know what the practical problems are.”

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