Oregon’s Most Haunted Houses: True Stories of the Supernatural

Oregon is a state rich in history and natural beauty, but beneath its picturesque landscapes lies a darker, more mysterious side. From haunted mansions to eerie hotels, Oregon has its share of supernatural tales that have intrigued and terrified residents and visitors alike. Here are some of the most haunted houses in Oregon, each with its own chilling story.

1. Pittock Mansion – Portland


The Pittock Mansion, an architectural marvel overlooking Portland, is known not just for its beauty but also for its ghostly inhabitants. Built in 1914 by Henry Pittock, a successful publisher, the mansion has been the site of numerous paranormal encounters.

Haunting Stories

Visitors and staff have reported strange occurrences, including:

  • Ghostly Appearances: Sightings of Henry Pittock and his wife, Georgiana, wandering the halls.
  • Cold Spots: Unexplained drops in temperature in certain rooms.
  • Moving Objects: Items, especially furniture, found moved without explanation.


3229 NW Pittock Dr, Portland, OR

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