Pride: In the name of love, LGBTQ+ advocates gather to celebrate

Shining a light on hope and finding community were in the air around Wait Park Sunday afternoon. So was a little bit of frustration.

The third annual Canby Pride event gathered amongst the park’s tall trees, a little sunshine, and the prospect that being marginalized can be diminish. To be different and matter in a smaller town like Canby has its challenges, according to Kristi Smith, founder and board president of Canby Pride.

She wasn’t the only one who thought that about Canby.

“In larger cities, LGBTQ+ communities often find robust support systems, resources, and a sense of belonging,” noted Smith. “However, in rural areas, LGBTQ+ individuals may face isolation, stigma, and a lack of visibility. Events like Canby Pride provide a beacon of hope and a much-needed sense of community. They offer a space where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can feel seen, heard, and celebrated.”

Smith noted that Canby is known for its conservative values and, at times, said this can translate into a lack of support from many quarters, including city government.

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