Canby student’s art celebrated by Oregon Agriculture in the Clasroom

Fourth grade student Greyson S. of William Knight Elementary in Canby was selected as one of 13 winners in a statewide annual calendar art contest sponsored by Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC).

Greyson’s artwork was selected from among 1,474 entries submitted to the contest, which showcases Oregon’s diverse agricultural and natural resource commodities.

This year, artwork was submitted by students’ kindergarten through sixth grade across the state in public, private, charter and homeschool education systems featuring Oregon agriculture and natural resources.

The entries celebrated Oregon’s diverse agriculture with artwork depicting a wide variety of Oregon’s 220 agricultural commodities.

Greyson’s artwork featured a scene of Oregon spring and can be viewed in the month of March in the calendar. In describing the artwork, Greyson said, “I picked flowers, fruit, and a farm to show all that Oregon grows.”

“The calendar contest is a great program that allows students to express their creativity and explore the beauty and diversity of Oregon agriculture.” said Hanna VanDeWalle, AITC’s education programs coordinator.

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