Making hits: Record Bonanza spins success and fun

Only minutes into another Record Bonanza, organizer Don Rogers was in his element.

He was hip-deep in selling a pile of records, offering thoughts on the music that was exchanging hands, and keeping an eye on the happenings inside the gym at Ackerman School.

For the founder of the annual music memorabilia event, the frenzy of another Record Bonanza in Canby is par for the course. And he loves it.

“it’s great, just great,” he said as this year’s event was less than 15 minutes old on Sunday. And he wasn’t alone in thinking that.

Rachel Skinner was on hand with her teenage son. The pair had driven in from Tualatin to check out the music memorabilia scene in Canby.

“I don’t collect, in the truest sense of the word, but I do like some specific music from the ‘80s and ‘90s,” Skinner said. “It doesn’t cost much to get in, there’s a ton of music to go through, and it’s just a positive environment. I was vaguely aware of this event, then read a story about it and decided it would be fun to spend an hour or two checking it out.”

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