OPINION: Transplants from Florida find plenty to love about Portland

It has been a year since my husband and I landed in PDX, leaving behind the state I called home for over 65 years.

Central Florida has seen a ton of changes over those years, both good and bad, but the climate has remained pretty much the same.

Heat and humidity on steroids. I had had enough, especially after several visits to Portland provided an alternative to smoldering, sweaty summers.

Our son made the move several years ago and every visit has reinforced our love for the Pacific Northwest and this city, in particular. The political climate of Florida also contributed to our decision, obviously, and that old saying, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” applied in more ways than one.

But I digress, this is not meant to trash the Sunshine State, but to show some love for the city we now call home.

Adjusting our minds, and bodies, to this complicated town is still a work in progress but we have not regretted our move for one minute. And here are some reasons why…

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