Locals share mixed feelings on latest development in Oswego Lake access

PORTLAND, Ore. ( KOIN ) — The battle continues over who can have access to Oswego Lake after a Clackamas County judge ruled the city must now open the water way to the public.

Issued on Monday, the order prohibits the city and Lake Oswego Corporation (LOC), a group of homeowners in the area, from restricting public access through any future development.

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Although there are mixed feelings on this ruling, many say they are pleased more people will be able to use the lake.

“I think for the general public, people should have access to it,” said Lake Oswego resident Michael Heyn. “We all live in this community. It’s a kind of common ground and in this case, water. And I think everybody should have access once it’s completely open.”

But some people told KOIN 6 News they are against opening the lake, saying it would hurt their property value and they pay money to access the lake…

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