Police: Drivers taking I-195 traffic frustrations out on officers

EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — The East Providence police union is asking for drivers to be patient throughout the Washington Bridge closure, which has upended the I-195 corridor for more than a month.

East Providence Detective Cpl. Kurt Ripke, president of International Brotherhood of Police Officers Local 569, said in a statement that some drivers have been taking their frustrations out on officers while sitting in traffic.

Alviti still weeks away from decision on I-195 Washington Bridge

“There have been instances of disrespectful behavior and safety concerns, highlighting the severity of the situation,” Ripke said in a statement. “Our members have been the target of thrown food items, spit, verbal assaults, and erratic operators causing multiple officers to leap onto the hoods of vehicles to escape injury.”

“Navigating the same traffic both on and off duty, we understand the frustrations firsthand,” he continued. “Please be kind to those officers directing traffic, slow down, try to be patient and be safe.”

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