Close Encounter: Massachusetts Couple Astonished by Basking Sharks Surrounding Their Boat

WESTPORT, Mass. — Perry and Carmel Long of Massachusetts recently experienced a breathtaking encounter with nature when they found themselves surrounded by half a dozen basking sharks while setting lobster pots off the coast of Westport.

The couple, aboard their 18-foot boat, initially mistook the massive creatures for whales or seals due to their impressive size. Perry Long described the sharks as enormous, some nearly double the length of their boat.

“I always assumed it was a pretty big boat. But seeing the size of these sharks, they were enormous. They had to be 20, 25-feet long,” Perry Long recalled.

Upon closer observation, the Longs identified the sharks as basking sharks — imposing yet non-threatening creatures known for their docile nature. Unlike great white sharks, basking sharks are known for their calm demeanor and typically feed on shrimp or plankton.

“They looked exactly like a great white shark, with the exception that they were a lot more friendly and docile. They just appeared to be hanging out,” Perry Long remarked.

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