Karen Read’s bid to have charges tossed in cop boyfriend murder case rejected by judge

A Massachusetts judge has denied Karen Read’s bid to have part of her murder case thrown out for allegedly killing her cop boyfriend, paving the way for a retrial to go forward next year.

Norfolk County Judge Beverly Cannone on Friday morning denied Read’s request to have two of three charges she faced tossed on the grounds that a handful of jurors said, after the case ended in mistrial, that they planned to acquit her of second-degree murder.

Cannone declared a mistrial on July 1 after the jury sent out multiple notes telling the judge it was hopelessly deadlocked.

But days later, Read’s lawyers claimed that five jurors separately said they actually planned to clear her of the charges of second-degree murder and leaving the scene of a death — and were only deadlocked on the count of manslaughter.

Karen Read’s lawyers beg judge to bring back jurors over claims they were going to acquit her in sensational murder case

Read’s team asked for the dismissed jurors to be brought back into court to poll them on their verdict for each charge, as part of her lawyers’ efforts to have those two counts dismissed.

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