In bombshell move Brockton school board to discuss ‘discipline’ of mayor in wake of audit

BROCKTON — The Brockton School Committee plans to discuss disciplining Mayor Robert F. Sullivan on Tuesday.

An agenda posted Friday afternoon on the school’s website and on Monday morning on the city’s website includes a closed-door session to “‘discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health, rather than professional competence, of an individual, or to discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual’ – Mayor/Chair Robert F. Sullivan, Brockton Public School Committee.”

City Solicitor Megan Bridges said that two school committee members requested the item be added to the agenda. However, she said, the school committee “is not authorized with the ability to discipline a member.”

It wasn’t clear Monday afternoon if the item would remain on the agenda.

Fallout from scathing deficit audit?

Last week, two audits of the schools overspending by more than $18 million in fiscal 2023 were made public. The audits spread blame to several city officials and politicians. Superintendent Michael Thomas resigned Friday after being on paid leave for more than a year. A city-commissioned investigation paints him as a free-spender who kept hiring despite warnings of financial trouble, and with little concern for how it would all be paid for.

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