Perfect for your college app: NY school boards must soon add non-voting student member

Do school boards need a student voice?

They’re going to have one in New York, as Gov. Kathy Hochul has signed a bill requiring all school boards to appoint at least one student member who will attend public meetings. Student members won’t be allowed to vote or participate in executive sessions or other non-public meetings ‒ but will have a great addition to their college applications.

The law goes into effect July 1, 2025, meaning that student members should be in place for the next school year.

“What an education in democracy that’ll be for them, hopefully inspiring them to know that each of us have a right of citizenship to participate,” Hochul said. “Whether it’s school boards, town boards, higher office, everyone has a responsibility, and at minimum responsibility to vote.”

Student board members will be “ex-officio,” meaning they will act in an advisory role.

It will be up to local districts and BOCES to decide how their student board members will be selected.

Student board members must be high school students who have been enrolled for at least one year.

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