McBroken no more? Wendy’s website outs broken McDonald’s ice cream machines

I guess $1 Frostees weren’t enough.

Wendy’s is now giving people another reason to head to their store to buy the frozen treat.

The hamburger chain introduced $1 small Frostees this summer for its customers, now spills the tea (or is it milkshake?) on its best customers.

Wendy’s website now tells you if the McDonald’s store you’re heading to can make you that hot fudge sundae.

According to the site, 14.72% of McDonald’s ice cream machines are down, including 32% in New York. You’re better off in Philadelphia, where only 12.5% of the machines are down.

The site also offers a map and tells you if the ice cream machines are working, broken or inconclusive. And if you’re craving ice cream and McDonald’s is down, you can find a handy Wendy’s option.

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: McBroken no more? Wendy’s website outs broken McDonald’s ice cream machines

This story was originally published here.