America’s Rattiest Cities: Surprising Rankings and Proactive Prevention

It’s surprising that despite NYC’s reputation, it’s only the third rattiest city in the U.S. according to Orkin’s study, with Chicago and Los Angeles taking the top spots. The rankings remained fairly consistent from 2023 to 2024, with Chicago, LA, and NYC leading the pack. San Francisco moved up to fourth place, with Washington D.C. slipping to fifth. Denver made a notable jump to sixth place, while Detroit rose in the rankings and Baltimore dropped down.

Orkin collected data on new rodent services from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024, to determine the current demand for rodent-related treatments in each city. John Kane from Orkin highlighted the structural risks rodents pose and recommended preventive measures like storing food properly, decluttering, and sealing entry points. Despite New Yorkers being familiar with rat control strategies, remaining vigilant is key to keeping rodent issues at bay. Ultimately, being proactive in rodent prevention can help in mitigating potential risks and damages caused by these troublesome pests. It’s interesting to see how urban centers like Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York continue to grapple with persistent rat infestations, despite ongoing efforts to manage the rodent population. The data collected by Orkin sheds light on the importance of consistent pest control measures and the need for community awareness to address these issues effectively. As cities like San Francisco and Denver make strides in the rankings, it’s evident that proactive strategies in rodent prevention can make a significant impact on overall public health and safety.

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